6 Tips for Quilting Safely (And Avoid an ER Visit)

Ask me why I’m writing this blog post.. And I’ll give you one hint: it involves a visit to the ER. 

I’ve been quilting since I was little, often using sharp instruments, scissors, rotary cutters, hot irons, sharp pins, etc. and I’ve truly never injured myself in any meaningful way. 

Until last weekend. 

And now I’m determined to prevent you from your own ER visit. Because it was easily preventable, and yet I never thought to implement safety measures BEFORE getting injured. Read on to get the whole story (if you're not squeamish!).

So learn from me, and then you won’t have to write a blog post with 9 fingers because one of them is bandaged!

Quilting Safety

Quilting is not just a fun activity but also a great way to express our artistic side. Aside from that, it also provides a creative outlet and helps reduce stress.

However, like any other hobby, quilting presents some risks that we should be aware of.

So let’s discuss some of the best practices to follow to stay safe while quilting. 

Wear Appropriate Attire

Quilting sometimes involves the use of sharp tools and needles, so it's important that you wear appropriate clothing while quilting. Avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry that can get tangled up in the needles or cutting tools.

For instance, loose sleeves may get caught up in the rotary cutter, and jewelry can get stuck in the fabric.

Also, make sure to wear closed-toe shoes or slippers with non-slip soles when quilting. This ensures your feet don't encounter anything sharp or hard.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Quilting requires focus, but it is crucial to remain aware of your surroundings.

Ensure that your working area is free of clutter, and all the sharps are kept out of reach of children and pets. 

Also, keep liquids away from electronics and electrical cords. Avoid answering phone calls or checking your phone while using sharp tools.

Use Proper Lighting

Proper lighting is essential to avoid straining your eyes while quilting or making any unnecessary slips while cutting or sewing.

It's best to use natural light if your quilting space permits it. If not, invest in bright, adjustable lights that allow you to direct the light to where it is required.

I have the Stella Two light and I absolutely love it!! Some other options are Ottlite and The Daylight Company

Using a Sharp Rotary Cutter or Scissors

Using the right cutting tools is critical for quilting safely.

To avoid accidents, keep all cutting tools in their sheaths (or with the safety covers on) when not in use. Also, keep them out of reach of children and pets. When cutting, use a cutting mat to protect your work surface from marks and scratches.

A sharp rotary cutter or a pair of scissors makes the job easier and quicker. Rotary cutters are so handy, but also dangerous!

Make sure to close your rotary cutter immediately after using. Using a suction handle on rulers can ensure your fingers aren’t near any blades, as well as using cutting gloves.

Replacing your blade often can help make cuts fast and easy rather than a dull blade that requires multiple passes.

Protect Your Eyes

Protecting your eyes is critical when quilting. I don’t know anyone who wears safety goggles while sewing, BUT if you have a habit of sewing over pins, maybe you should be!

Sewing over pins can cause broken needle ends to fly at you (eyes, face, etc.). So be safe.

Maintain Good Posture

Quilting involves sitting for long periods, and maintaining good posture is essential to prevent back and neck pain. Use a comfortable and adjustable chair with back and arm support. 

Take regular breaks to stretch and relax your back and shoulders.
Quilting is my favorite creative outlet, however It's important to enjoy it while being mindful of the risks involved.

The Accident That Could Have Been Avoided

Last weekend I was with a friend in my sewing room, we were casually talking while I worked on a project.

While making a cut, the rotary blade jumped up on my acrylic ruler and before I knew it, half of my fingertip was sliced off. I’ll spare you most of the gory details, but I'm really grateful quilty husband works at the hospital and was able to get me right in to see a doctor. 

So after a visit to the ER, an orthopedic surgeon and many painful days of recovery, I can say that good safety habits are definitely worth your time and effort!

My fingertip has thankfully begun to heal (did you know they grow back?!), but I'm sad that it even happened in the first place.

I wish I could go back and prevent it from happening in the first place. I certainly won’t be so casual with rotary blades (or anything sharp really) in the future.

Things that contributed to my accident:

  • distraction (I was chatting and laughing with a friend),
  • pressing too hard on the rotary cutter (it was a little dull and needed to be changed),
  • and finally, not using any precautions like a suction ruler holder or cutting gloves. 

And I hope you’ll be more aware of some of these easily preventable injuries. 


I had a similar injury but it involved my left thumb. I too was using a rotary cutter with a dull blade nor was I paying attention to where I had placed my hand on the ruler. My cut went across the joint which made it harder to heal. I went to the ER (drove myself with one hand while my left hand was wrapped in a hand towel). They saw me quickly but after x-rays which started the bleeding again, they sent in a nurse practioner to stitch it up. First she had to numb the thumb. One shot along both sides was extremely painful. Not sure if going without it would have been less painful!! She put in four stitches. Well about six days later it was severely infected. Another trip to the ER and they removed the stitches. Then the dr gave me the same two shots along each side of the thumb as before—again extremely painful. About ten minutes later he tries to open the pus pockets to drain them and that was extremely painful. He said sometimes the lidocaine can’t penetrate the pus! He gave me strong antibiotics and referred me to a hand dr. That dr didn’t do shots again, but had me soak it in a solution of peroxide and water. Between that and the antibiotic it finally cleared. That has been three weeks ago and I can sew again (carefully) but the thumb is still tender to touch so I have to be careful not to bump it against anything. Thanks for listening to my story!
Quiltd Studios replied:
Yikes!! Those numbing shots were more painful than the injury that’s for sure!!! I must be a fast metabolizer because they had to redo the numbing three times (awful). I’m glad you’re on the mend!!


Sandra Marie Griffin-Floyd

This blog made me chuckle a little, I’m sorry in advance! But all I could think about was if your fabric was ruined 🤣 I’m sorry you got injured and I’m hoping for a speedy recovery. I think we have all had some close calls, but carry on, not paying attention. Thanks for the reminder!
Quiltd Studios replied:
Oh it was even funnier sitting in the trauma bay and having ALL of my husbands friends/fellow residents surprised looks at seeing me there, I told them I just wanted a date night so I cut off my finger to hang out with him hahaha


Corinne Knoderer

I hope your finger recovers fast and you can be back at sewing really soon. Thanks for the tips to prevent and accident like this. I once stepped on a pin that was pointing up on a carpet and I did not have shoes, so wearing proper shoes is very important as you mentioned above and now I try not to use a room with carpet for my sewing room if I can have the choice.
Quiltd Studios replied:
This happens a lot! My husband once treated a man who came into the hospital because he walked into his wife’s sewing room and stepped on a pin that then got stuck in his bone! Yikes!!!


Isabel Wilder

Just ordered a cutting glove — and one for my husband in the kitchen! Thank you for the good reminders - we’ve all had “a moment” and then end up paying the price for days, weeks or months. Heal quickly!
Quiltd Studios replied:
This makes me so happy!!


Linda Cadzow

I’m sorry that you were hurt. I have more than one “rotary” scars. One happened similar to what you described. The cutter jumped the ruler and went across my hand just behind my thumb. It hurt and I knew I had been cut, but when I looked there was no blood. So, for a brief moment I thought that I was mistaken. Then the blood gates opened. It doesn’t take long to do damage. I’m glad you are recovering. Let us take note, “a word to the wise” is all that is needed.
Quiltd Studios replied:
Yes exactly, it all happened in the blink of an eye! I’ll cut much slower now!


Nancy Adams

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