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How to Tell if Your Quilting Fabric is Good Quality
This is a question that a lot of quilters have, and one that I couldn’t easily answer! So I went...
How to Clean Your Iron for Quilting and Sewing
Clean your iron with these easy methods that use products found in your home!
Siracusa Modern Quilt with Fur Backing
Awhile ago I was perusing some home goods websites (aka Pottery Barn and West Elm) and stumbled upon the...
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Hi! I'm Jess,
I hope you find some valuable tutorials in the Quiltd Blog. I've quilted and sewn for two decades; there are articles for beginners, and of course fun new quilting techniques for more advanced quilters (fringe binding anyone!?).
As always reach out to let me know what you'd like to learn more about, that's what this blog is for!
Quiltd Studios